Source code for gptables.core.theme

from xlsxwriter.format import Format
from gptables.core.gptable import GPTable
import yaml
from functools import wraps

def validate_single_format(f):
    def wrapper(cls, format_dict):
        Decorator to validate that input is a dictionary dictionary.
        if not isinstance(format_dict, dict):
            actual_type = type(format_dict)
            msg = ("Formats must be supplied as a dictionary, not"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        for fmt in format_dict.keys():
        return f(cls, format_dict)
    return wrapper

[docs]class Theme: """ A class that defines a set of format attributes for use in xlsxwriter. This class associates a dict of format attributes with table elements. See XlsxWriter `format properties <>`_ for valid options. Attributes ---------- cover_title_format : dict cover_subtitle_format : dict cover_text_format : dict title_format : dict subtitle_format : dict instructions_format : dict scope_format : dict column_heading_format : dict index_1_format : dict index_2_format : dict index_3_format : dict data_format : dict source_format : dict legend_format : dict description_order : list """ def __init__( self, config=None, ): """ Initialise theme object. Parameters ---------- config : dict or .yaml/.yml file theme specification """ ## Formats self._format_attributes = [ "cover_title_format", "cover_subtitle_format", "cover_text_format", "title_format", "subtitle_format", "instructions_format", "scope_format", "column_heading_format", "index_1_format", "index_2_format", "index_3_format", "data_format", "source_format", "legend_format", ] for attr in self._format_attributes: setattr(self, attr, {}) ## Other attributes self.description_order = [] # Valid Them format attributes self._valid_attrs = [ x.replace("_format", "") for x in self._format_attributes ] + ["global"] # Valid XlsxWriter Format attributes self._valid_format_labels = [ attr.replace("set_", "") for attr in Format().__dir__() if attr.startswith('set_') and callable(getattr(Format(), attr)) ] if config: self.apply_config(config) @staticmethod def _parse_config(config): """ Parse yaml configuration to dictionary. """ if isinstance(config, str): if not config.endswith((".yml", ".yaml")): raise ValueError("Theme configuration files must be YAML") with open(config, "r") as file: cfg = yaml.safe_load(file) elif isinstance(config, dict): cfg = config else: raise ValueError("Theme configuration must be a dict or YAML file") return cfg def _validate_config(self, config): """ Assert that format dictionary lower level keys are valid XlsxWriter Format attributes. """ for attr in config.keys(): if attr in self._valid_attrs: attr_config = config[attr] or {} for fmt in attr_config.keys(): self._validate_format_label(fmt) def _validate_format_label(self, format_name): """ Assert that format is a valid XlsxWriter Format attribute. """ if format_name not in self._valid_format_labels: raise ValueError(f"`{format_name}` is not a valid format label")
[docs] def apply_config(self, config): """ Update multiple Theme attributes using a YAML or dictionary config. This enables extension of build in Themes. """ cfg = self._parse_config(config) self._validate_config(cfg) # Update all when global used if "global" in cfg.keys(): default_format = cfg.pop("global") self._update_all_formats(default_format) # Update with individual methods for key, value in cfg.items(): if key == "description_order": getattr(self, "update_" + key)(value) elif key in self._valid_attrs: if value is not None: getattr(self, "update_" + key + "_format")(value) else: raise ValueError(f"`{key}` is not a valid Theme attribute")
def _update_all_formats(self, global_dict): """ Updates all theme attributes with a global format dictionary. """ for attr in self._format_attributes: if attr.endswith("_format"): getattr(self, "update_" + attr)(global_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_column_heading_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `column_heading_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.column_heading_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_index_1_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `index_1_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.index_1_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_index_2_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `index_2_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.index_2_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_index_3_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `index_3_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.index_3_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_data_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `data_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.data_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_cover_title_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `cover_title_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.cover_title_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_cover_subtitle_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `cover_subtitle_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.cover_subtitle_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_cover_text_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `cover_text_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.cover_text_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_title_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `title_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.title_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_subtitle_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `subtitle_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.subtitle_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_instructions_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `instructions_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.instructions_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_scope_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `scope_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.scope_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_location_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `location_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.location_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_source_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `source_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.source_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] @validate_single_format def update_legend_format(self, format_dict): """ Update the `legend_format` attribute. Where keys already exist, existing items are replaced. """ self.legend_format.update(format_dict)
[docs] def update_description_order(self, order_list): """ Update the `description_order` attribute. Overrides existing order. """ if not isinstance(order_list, list): msg = ("`description_order` must be a list of description element names") raise TypeError(msg) valid_elements = ["instructions", "source", "legend", "scope"] if not all(element in valid_elements for element in order_list): msg = (f"`description_order` elements must be in {valid_elements}") raise ValueError(msg) self.description_order = order_list
[docs] def print_attributes(self): """ Print all current format attributes and values to the console. """ obj_attr = [ attr for attr in self.__dir__() if not attr.startswith('_') and not callable(getattr(self, attr)) ] for attr in obj_attr: print(attr, ":", getattr(self, attr))
def __eq__(self, other): """ Comparison operator, for testing. """ # don't attempt to compare against unrelated types if not isinstance(other, Theme): return False obj_attr = [ attr for attr in self.__dir__() if not attr.startswith('_') and not callable(getattr(self, attr)) ] return all([ getattr(self, attr) == getattr(other, attr) for attr in obj_attr ])